Got Mold: What You Need to Know!


We hear reports all the time about how dangerous mold is and how it can kill you. There was a story in the news not too long about a small leak from a refrigerator that caused mold to build up until it overtook the entire home, and caused severe health issues like brain damage to the owners living in the home. With so many types of mold, it can be scary to think that you might have mold growing in your home that can be toxic to your family. What steps can homeowners take to prevent mold growth in their home or apartment complex?

Eliminate Water Sources

Water can easily get into just about every area of the home. If you had a pipe leak, always make sure it is replaced correctly; and the ceiling, carpet, and other areas are allowed to dry out completely before you install new sheetrock. Mold thrives on growing in areas of the home where it is dark and moist. The bathroom is a place where mold is prominent. Always use the ventilation fan in the bathroom each day for 30-60 minutes. Check around the bathtub for signs of mold and mildew, and promptly clean it before it spreads.

Open Windows

If you notice mold and mildew starting to grow around the windows, open them daily to ventilate the home. It is wise to clean the mold around a window as quickly as possible as it could spread to the sheetrock and flooring.

Use Mold Cleaners

Use a mold cleaner if you detect mold around the windows, bathtub, water heater, and other areas of the home. Use special cleaners to get around the areas that are hard to reach like the cracks in the tile. Mold also likes to grow on the walls so you need to wipe them down as well even if you have used mold proof paint in the bathroom.


Basements tend to be areas of the home where mold growth is prominent. Consider using dehumidifiers in the basement to control the amount of moisture that can increase the risk of mold growth. If you are using humidifiers for head colds, make sure you open a window to air out the room after using the humidifier as it will reduce excess water from sticking to the walls and flooring.

Watch for Illness

When a home has a high level of mold, it is common for occupants to experience problems with breathing, headaches, and unexplained illness. If the symptoms disappear when you go outside the home and breathe fresh air, it shows that your home could have high levels of mold. Burns Environmental can test your home for mold, and we provide cleaning services to remove toxic mold from your home.
